We help organizations define and structure a clear and concise compensation GOVERNANCE POLICY. In the increasingly complex environment of executive compensation, disputes can arise, and we can also provide LITIGATION support and/or EXPERT WITNESS testimony in depositions and trials.

Compensation Governance
and Board Support

In today’s environment, where competition for and retention of top-tier talent is critical to an organization's immediate and long-term success, compensation governance has become the foundation on which all compensation plans are built. Ultimately, an organization's compensation governance practices should clearly define and outline all elements of pay and have a centralized set of decision-makers to determine any adjustments to compensation plans and direction.


We have extensive experience working with families, helping to establish a compensation governance policy that supports efficient processes and hiring and retaining top talent.

Litigation / Expert Witness Support

In the increasingly complex environment of executive compensation, there are situations where a different level of support is needed – Botoff Consulting can assist through proactive measures such as Reasonableness of Compensation Opinion letters.

In situations where disputes arise, we can provide litigation support and, if necessary, expert witness testimony in depositions and trials.